Saturday, May 14, 2022



Actual Mental Illness, related to physical damage (such as the brain, the nervous system or a chemical imbalance), should not be equated with Mental Disorder (related to beliefs and behavior). Both are real and both are dangerous, but they are not the same. A Mental Disorder, though it stems from the mind, is not originally a physical problem. Since repeated behavior can actually change physical make-up of an individual, uncorrected mental, emotional, psychological problems can eventuate in physical disorders.
The human condition is integrated and fragile. We must be careful about the way we deal with human problems. We cannot safely ignore actual physical issues and we must not look for medical answers to spiritual or soulish problems.
God dealt with Cain when he was being overcome with jealousy, anger, envy, concerning his brother Abel. God told Cain that he would be delivered from his depression if he would do the right thing. Can did not heed God's warning and counsel and eventually his anger took over and he killed Abel. God did not prescribe a drug or anger management class. Cain had the option and the opportunity to choose mental health instead of mental disorder, which resulted in murder.
Not all problems of the mind result in violence and murder, but they all lead to disaster if a person does not yield to the healing power of God. This is why we should bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Even in extreme cases of demon possession, the presence of God will restore the mind and self control to the person who is living in opposition to himself. When people are submitted to God's word and Holy Spirit, they will be of one mind with God, with one another and they will have peace of mind, they will be sound of mind. It is amazing how many of the Mental Disorders are obviously related to belief and behavior. It is amazing how many different answers or medicines or techniques or therapy's or treatments are offered and promoted by various medical disciplines and how many different answers are offered by the practitioners of the same disciplines. In other words, medicine (physical, mental and emotional) is not an exact science and sometimes it is not science at all.
God is able and He does heal physical problems, when it pleases Him. And God does allow those who are physically sick to take medications, even in extreme cases of mental anguish or physical pain, which cannot be avoided. But much (if not most) of the "mental," emotional problems that disable people are initially of a spiritual or psychological origin and should be dealt with on a spiritual or behavioral level. If a person does not take control of his disorder, such as depression, anger, jealousy, greed, envy, suspicion, lust, deception, then his "disorder" will take control of him and he may never find deliverance. Remember, the Bible tells us that a merry heart does good like a medicine.
There have been leaders in the mental health field who have pointed out that much of the "medical" treatment is ineffective, if not an actual sham. God has provided direct, Divine healing and He has provided medical treatment, but He has also provided directives for healthy living, both physically and mentally. After all, God created us (body, soul, spirit), therefore He knows what is best for us and He knows how to treat us when we have problems. 

The medical, psychological and emotional solutions of worldly wisdom are actually counter productive to health and well being. Christian ministers have been abandoning God's word and God's instructions for decades and surrendering God's calling and revelation in favor of Secular and Humanistic solutions, which do not help or deliver people.

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