Saturday, July 16, 2022


(my quick, simplified overview, as found in Scripture)

I. Mankind Created "Perfect"

(without sin).

II. Mankind Created Without Sin,
"marred, corrupted, bent to sin, carnal."

III. Adam Corrupted Himself and his Descendants
(when he sinned in the garden).

IV. Adam's Fall;
A. Made him guilty for his own sin,
B. Made him corrupted, debilitated, marred, depraved, but not destroyed
1. In his human nature,
a. Body (other consciousness);
(1) seeing; (2) hearing, (3) smelling, (4) tasting (5) feeling,
b. In his soul (self consciousness);
(1) reason, (2) emotion, (3) desire, (4) conscience, (5) will,
c. In his spirit (God consciousness).

C. Corrupted Adam's progeny with fallen Human Nature and Sinful (Adamic) Nature

D. Simplified Statement
1. Adam was still conscious of "other" physical realities. Adam's consciousness was debilitated, depraved, distorted, dead (out of proper awareness), but it was not, destroyed, annihilated.
2. Adam was still conscious of his non-material self. Adam's consciousness was debilitated, depraved, distorted, dead (out of proper awareness), but it was not destroyed, annihilated.
3. Adam was still conscious of God. Adam's consciousness was debilitated, depraved, distorted, dead (out of proper awareness), but it was not destroyed, annihilated.
4. Adam passed his corrupted Human Nature and his Sinful Nature to all of his progeny. All of Adam's descendants are conceived with a fallen Human Nature and a Sinful (Adamic) Nature.

V. God's Grace Through Jesus' Sacrifice Covers Pre-born and New Born Children.
Though Adam's race is born with sin (the sin nature) they are not guilty of Adam's sin. God does not hold children GUILTY for their parents sins. However, the inherited corruption still needs the redemptive, cleansing, atoning work of Christ to make the pre-born and the new born acceptable to God.

God provided the needed covering through the death and resurrection of Christ. This is why we can say that Christ "is the Savior of all men."

However, as the birthed child ages, he become accountable for his own sinful actions and will need to trust Christ for his salvation. This is why the verse goes on to say, "...and especially of those who believe."

VI. The Death and Resurrection of Christ Covers Personal Guilt and Sin, and it also Cleanses from the Sinful Adamic Nature.

A. All have sinned and all need salvation from sins committed.
The Holy Spirit convicts the sinner (unsaved person) of personal sin, convinces him of judgment, convinces him of God's salvation through the sacrificial death and resurrection of Christ, calls them to trust Christ alone for salvation, calls them to confess their need for salvation and their trust in Christ, calls them to repent, calls them to follow Jesus.

Sinners may then be converted, through faith, by justification and regeneration and they are adopted into the family of God, which changes them from sinners (people who sin) to become believers, saints (people who are set apart from sin and set apart to God).

B. Believers can continue to follow Christ by faith.
If a believer sins, he must renew his relationship with God through faith, confession and repentance or he will continue in sin, which separates him from God.

Salvation begins with faith, continues with faith and is brought to completion by faith.
That which is not of faith is sin, the wages of sin is death, the soul that sins shall die, and we must turn from all sin to be forgiven and to be cleansed.

If the believer repents and returns to a right relationship with Christ, God will lead the believer to understand that the inherited Adamic Nature is a threat to their peace, joy, love and their walk with God.

The believer is called by God to make full surrender, trusting Christ to cleanse them from the corrupt Sinful Nature, in the same way he believed Christ to save him from his sins.

Though the believer is able to fall back into sin, he is cleansed from all sin and will remain cleansed as long as he walks in the light of God's truth.

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